teacher , all his thoughts and images of Adam yalivutwa a wide smile always believed inamuangalia to distrust him and blame him for the love of learning online. " Adam, stop blaming me! ! (Adam do not accuse )" And he cried out with a loud Reshmail without self-awareness , the teacher was surprised and did not understand was kimemsibu what " Is she dreaming ? ( Anaota ? ) " Asked the teacher Sijjo who had been taught the lesson of communication ( Communication skills ), likacheka whole class for a very aggressive , but he was crying Reshmail trembling so much, and from the wrath stood out . Although it was only a month since the start of the next academic year buthardships and sufferings which he had gained yalitosha convince that he may have read it in its kumi.Wazazi years they might do , Eveline remained homosexual abuse his mercy he frequently tried to call but did not cure the problem of Reshmail . It really could not force themselves Reshmail be happy because it is he who persuaded Adam to be sexual with him is he yuhuyu convinced Adam to go to them for identification and that it was the last trip of Adam . " Telling my teachers will nielewaje , and if they understood what will happen when my classmates knowing this secret ? Would create the image would no longer about me , mh ! Set me apart from state hi sir, as you can take away these thoughts until I completed Form Six well let's father and now removed again and this serious attempt in front of me and your name will be honored . " He put a short prayer Reshmail in his mind it. It was a very difficult thing to Reshmail was very thin and soon word of offenders began again " Hon ! Behold, that's why he refuses men , whom he lives with hope poor , sister beautiful as this " sounded words in stones students at the college. It was a great nuisance wherever he pokatiza fingers vilimwelekea him unpopular original that is beautiful and doubled near campus a whole but this time it was notorious that he has HIV, even he had heard these words yakivuma faster, not being able to prevent rumors these " Wangejua that mi is a virgin and all they say is a lie , that they would not raise their dirty mouths nonsense blurting it, but without Adam would know ? " Reshmail wondered at his room in the hostel Ngulelo he had arranged the room in which he lived alone. His friends began to separate procedures they believe is infected , it does likumuumiza head as he very specifically trust in the concept of stigma for the victims that were governs the college .
***Bite he managed to escape in the big cage that he had stored Adam . How he had become customary at the ikumchukua long to convince defender amfungulie gate out slightly and is became total did not go very far from the region of Iringa , but he put his camp sites Uyole Mbeya Region was nearby and Iringa where little money was choondoka it right there in the open hut with the market and planning neighboring house Igawilo starting life lie down until godoro.Biashara buy sell tomatoesand vegetables very ilimkimu him for life and makes his idea did not buy a car or build a house his goal was not only life , and one thousand shilngi had gained quite zinamtosha . He was cheerful and civilized lot, customers were attracted to him for pace to enjoy his hospitality in biashara.Tumbo her began to grow slowly , mothers marketplace began to feel ready Bite is correct slick Mbeya has filled him with the pregnancy , but his months of delivery is opened the minds of those who have questions and discover that the pregnancy came with it there and not that achieved there . Salama bin Salmin Bite gave birth to a baby boy nine months arrived ." Hon ! His father will rejoice again gave her name only as I was told I am pregnant " Bite for joy told mothers of where the marketplace , including his neighbor Two women , are the ones were his brothers. " Congratulations Bite , I know the ones you have a mother who as" bite was interviewed by two mothers
"My son called Christian " Bite replied while her baby 's kiss that was kinarusharusha his limbs to and fro.
Christian was born with abundant health and did not suffer from diseases during the first year of its growth , it was a great joy to his mother.
***Exceeded the old idea of ​​Mrs. disruptions . Gaudencia betrayed Adam in the palace there was a weakness in his head as he received Reshmail with serious scandal when she receives a very zilimsononesha college but where he commenced concealing his embarrassment when Adam , He caused the iniquity of this woman be placed in the open. It is the head lililomuumiza mother. Reshmail and his father will nielewaje for evil I have done , I have brought down the honor of my husband who had a great respect parliament " he kept thinking
With Adam Ruaha Iringa areas was begun in the third year , living as his home , but was not satisfied at all that life bondage . Three years was too long " My mom and dad feel I'm where? What about my boyfriend Reshmail , there is enough need from here , but you must wonder will go out how here in this castle ," he insisted Adam least protection strictly the increased from Escape to Bite in the context of confusing to the fortress
***Second year ended kimateso same intense and filled with bad memories would not be transferred to the class of second year law going into college Mwanjonde floor Reshmail would fail so badly his studies due to stress .
As a third year his health returned abundant as they have been seen again bigger picture of Adam in his eyes the state of health turn ilizusha new phrase again , unlike the beginning they said he has AIDS, now they say " Akikonda is positive, if fat has started using doses " all that he suspected Reshmail but never ever dare to raise his mouth to answer a spade so he was silent as he struggles with lessons until his fourth year poumaliza well.
In October and one his entire family traveled to in Mwanza celebrate together the graduation of their son, Eveline , who already had a job after he had completed his years three to college and succeed well also come together in complete joy of his beloved companion while accompanied by her fiance Benjamin Simon . Reshmail was very pleased with the arrival of Eve as she increasingly proving to be how much he is a true friend .It was a great and unique graduation than all that appeared where did the Mt.Augustino college graduation together with its subsidiaries in Tanzania , namely Iringa , Mtwara and Tabora. Briefly were yamefana .Is the excitement and bustle of here and therethe ceremony where he and Eveline Reshmail face to face meets with the family of Adam the father and mother, and she recognized the presence of his younger son Adam Rosemary . Rosemary was the first ones qualified education degree at the University of the holy Augustine branch of Mtwara so she and her family were present in the grounds of Raila Odinga celebrate the graduation ceremony . " Magician ... magician ! " he cried out to her mother Adam when Reshmail he moved slowly in the lokuwepo for fun " Uuuwii " he shouted in a loud voice what lililovuruga sensitivity in the area and people begin to look upon him as a man confused, Reshmail and Eve were shell only and mother Adam he kept hitting noise , the efforts of his father Adam reassuring his wife zikufua unsuccessful , was suddenly mother Adam rushed with a bottle that had a soda that does was launched yet and the speed went to confront Reshmail that his mind is if it was standing with a crowd that was fastening eye for an act to be called a witch was multiplied in fear and shame to him , took Eve Reshmail hand and try to pull out of the area but Adam had already mother shawafikia and absolute power he quieted the bottle over the head of stagnant Reshmail went down with a lot of blood ikimtoka head. Three men , including her father Adam also came and carried about on the mother who seemed obvious Adam was not yet satisfied with the beating he give to Reshmail because he was still shines here and there as there were other weapons. He was like a madmanOthers were carried Rshmail who his robe completely unique was wrong limechafuliwa and dust of the feet mpirawa field of Raila Odinga where ceremonies are conducted . State of uncertainty ruled the ceremony for about half an hour until Reshmail was driven to the hospital by his family and mother Adam be in a stronger dollar
***It was not very big wound two strings passed in his head sew the wound"Why does your mother -in-law akutende this " eve Reshmail being asked on the bed"It is his right to beat me lead me is the source of this pain they encounter " he replied with a forced smile Resh" Here is obtained wherein sympathetic to me is the same as the willful murderer again and my rights are being killed also " continued Reshmail citing weak smile again"Do not say that the overseer is not you who want to make it so only God " spoke to Eve as she gently fingers of Reshmail vibinyabinya" Mother tell her father afatilie mother -in-law may not be admitted signal for one hour no fault " Reshmail told his mother entered the room of a hospital of Agha Khan was yokuwaelazwa for medical words yalimshangaza very mother who rely Reshmail will be angry to be treated as forward the public
Personality was very inamsuta mother reshmail , heart lip apologized but it was too heavy to do so. The situation is very ilimkondesha comfortably internal kumkosesha its original thickness was obscuring all this and nobody knew something serious had lobeba mother.
Actually instead of husband and wife Beast reliability prosecution to be given the punishment of Adam mother they support that Reshmail court was wrong ikatupilia off these charges and mother Adam became independent, it added instead of restoring brotherhood hatred and hostility" I told you knock? ? If they gave an offering mwanetu why now they have agreed to release me free? ? " Adam told her mother what her husband this time she even agreed to it that their eldest son (Adam ) had done wrong and reshmail family . Michael believed his father's elder Adam is the same as believing the whole family and toxic hate each family member fell upon him and that he 's big family hostility old beast.

***********Two days he stayed at the hospital did not come even one student from college when coming to the pole for Reshmail all feared they believed was an idolater . Eve did not agree even to far with these accusations because he really trusted Reshmail so he remained at the hospital with his fiance treat Reshmail who went out three days later."Dad I am going and Eve her I will stay five days is will come in " Reshmail gave the information to his father and he was not opposed as peace he had Resh reference to Eve was too great condition iliyowapa comfort to his parents so they allowed him without hesitation.
That same day they boarded a plane for the cost of Eveline fiancée named Benjamin Simon , towards Iringa where Eve had found employment in the NBC bank branch there.
Their lives were very good as Benny , a teacher of high school so in roles they can help each other with deep love between them was to beautify more house yao.Reshmail was so impressed with this life and remember too much Adam his " wish would exist we live this day " she thought to myself Reshmail time watching Eve and Benny on the couch while they bebana for fun while flirting
It was one evening Reshmail and Eve were in cycles of precipitation cycles which in one way or another sparked a sudden trip to enter the market, they went there to buy fruit fruit , had passed five days and unlike the vyowahaidi his parents until he had thought back to Dar 's life Iringa was very yamempendeza ." Eveline Eveline see old guys look Katoto ! " Reshmail he mgusagusa Eveline shoulder as he showed a group of children at the market" You left them my wallet nikwapua machokoraa who have no desire them at all, my season of Chinese and thirty thousand shillings zikapotelea air oh ! The bad guys "talked to Eve anger as he stopped the practice of eating an orange does he Lit at that time." Mh ! Eve wash everybody lies the old folks let Katoto as old Kaone tiny " Reshmail but he kept insisting he Eve show fear and bitterness still has stolen the heart of its material and children who are called machokoraa" Your counsel vitakuliza Reshmail so we continue to say is ........... mh babes ! Resh but the little old kazuri really "talked Eve was pokaona old Katoto where Reshmail very stressed ." Jamboo beautiful children ! ""I am well shkamoo ! " Kalijibu old Katoto very warm after Reshmail and Eve kukasogelea and kukasalimia ." Why thank you good boy is here ! Herself or these are your brothers ? " Resh asked" My brother is not aa mi namsubiri mother was gone and people have gone there has said he returned nimsubiri " responded again to the sound of kitotototo" Have you eaten ? ? " Asked Eve ." Oh ! ! Eve you just leave your questions uchagani you selfish mh ! You want to say he eat to umnyime or not? " Reshmail the degradation Eve kiutani" Mh ! Limeniganda gay, you mashushu you ! ! "Replied Eve kiaibuaibu as he gave the child that has already been peeled orange already." Mother returns how many hours ? ? " Reshmail asked the boy again" I know I waited until it came just gave me tea rose up and the two men " had described the child well" Mh ! In urban Katoto adult kanajieleza you think dah ! " Eve was mnon'goneza Reshmail" This beautiful child supposedly conservative 's go ! " Reshmail said to the child and he agreed to sign the head , while pekupeku and went to the restaurant and Reshmail written " MOTHER FRED restaurant" that had little corner of the main market of Iringa." Mother will be greeted eeh ! " Buy food after paying a farewell" These mamdogo " answered the child" Who is called as" Eve asked" My name is Christian child 's mother Bite " she replied and laughed all the restaurant

Kuifananisha a picture of Adam , dimplez of the child quite zilimfananisha and Adam , let alone its colors of tan, brown and her humor ." Eve no, why tomorrow I am going to seek Christian to his father to know what he looks like it will not be identical to the amount hchi no" Resh He spoke as he covered the same album . Eve had agreed with him and the next day the summer at four , were in the same hotel where they let Christian mother ."You kids are cases of this, you want to let me do yesterday " mother dense amount of Mama restaurant owner Fred was received with sharp words with his good scoring cloth around his waist. Resh and Eve did not have an answer to give thought maybe he liken " Mama is why again , why us .... " he tried to explain Eve as she broke the words to express themselves." Mmenitekelezea child here begins the night he weep unto me here ! Guys you want mniuwe for hypertension Kurya mie people " spoke with great anger and surprise the woman ." Mama , we have found at the market , you are brought here for my mother to get food, " Reshmail raised his mouth and speak in a voice full of surprises too ." He ! Juggling these guys do , mi have him at the police station at night uleuule brother

Chill Wednesday disqualified Mbeya was the son- Bite (Christian ) in that he fulfilled two years left and back again Iringa Bite wanted to stay a bit and then go to new homes in the first set . Interestingly despite cold conditions Iringa Christian started to be good as the original , which led to Bite to stay in the region for four years o.hadi fulfills their health condition was very good and ready Bite had forgotten the issue of going Mwanza.akaanzisha gang selling porridge the median peanuts fried cassava evening and morning time . It was a small business but iliyomuingizia good income differences and expectations yake.aliweza organize one room and living room he lived

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