Once he caught the shoulder , turning back is to call in reference to three other soldiers .Patrick said to the astonished shocked because he did not expect to see a meter for that time when you consider he has done bad things ,ITA : How Patrick why have you shocked ? Means you'd meet me here in Mwanza ?PATRICK : Oh ! Behold the shakuja Mwanza !ITA : Patrick , you forgot to everyone! ! I thought you told me yourself that I will pass on Mwanza ? And when I yoondoka I tell you , since then I get back on air until I see today .PATRICK : Dah ! I forgot Bhana , there I go no electricity at ndomana I was on air , I Jiajia not here to start today .ITA : Now these are my soldiers , their own band exists with Mwanza.PATRICK : Now properly recognize them .Patrick now she felt a little peace means the beginning he thought he shtukiwa he did.ITA : Now what about the promise Patrick ?PATRICK : That about your father ?Nita : Yes.Patrick and decided to instruct called the place she was told Judah that he would continue and she filmed her first , completely Mwita was not a good host Mwanza had to go to his own companions in the poelekezwa and Patrick.
Deborah and Pamela decided to go inside to talk about other things.DEBORAH : Hey guys here have wept much longer we cried enough, let's first radio tuwashe and tujiliwaze and get different information .PAMELA : Exactly Deborah to tupunguze hurts us .Deborah arose and irritation radio and the same time to hear the case of the killing of soldiers in Singida Region .PAMELA : What does this disaster ?DEBORAH : Most of disasters , are human beings with a soul what that bad ? Yani is slaughtered like chicken !Marium : It would Maiko is in Singida I'd say the only one ,PAMELA : Why Maiko and not someone else ?Marium : Because he is having such a merciless soul .DEBORAH : First I do not understand is a fellow , why Maiko became Adam's brother ? Dah !Fausta : All liwachanganyi guess it does not matter , I do not know that fellow is ie do not know what will happen at all.Maiko laid great calamity heart of these women and will not be able to receive as a family member for he has given.
Tusa and Sele Mwanza as they see going by the meter and his companions , Tusa he hides himself with a hug Sele quite strongly .Tusa declined to grant early Sele , he found himself feared men all but Sele , who lived with him for kubembelezwa .Tusa : Sele , please Restore unto me the mother . I want to go back home with my mother so that I may live again with my family .Sele : Ease Tusa , contain the last of these .Tusa : Actually Sele you love me and you suffer for me , disappointed imeniponza Sele . I thought all men on earth are Sele , while no farewell to Patrick , John , Maiko and meters. Sikulijua it, Sele has a unique heart , the heart of the difference . Sele rotten but I still do not want to leave , I cleaved but is still close to me .Tusa has increasingly embraced with tears yakimbubujika Sele .Time called him and his companions who were passing by is the time Patrick also had claimed him there, did not see Tusa meters depth and Sele but Patrick had seen and caused them wakumbatiane kuwashangaa there along the way , and began kuwafata where they are.
Doubtful he agonized heart and continue kumfatilia Maiko .He came to the place where he had performed Maiko conversation with his mother and his twin too .Doubts came into while being very angry .TROUBLE: Maiko , what you did for me and I tell you there is a day you will pay .Looking corner he saw his sister bi.Rehema .Gracious : Are you Offended, many have to pay for your stuff ? The evil you have done you think I do not recall ?He stumbled Watching her sister did not want to talk , but he is more left for reflection." Yani I shall miss everything? Save Maiko for all his iniquities that he might still happy life ? Maybe if I die Doubts must do something "Doubts had been very angry about Maiko considering he was aware of is his only son .
He called his companions and soldiers sent to a place they feel is itself the poelekezwa .Called him, and knocked at the door , he knew Doubts Maiko has returned had to prepare to fight .But he opened the door he saw called, and called him, and went in and told him .Cried very Nimekutafuta father , why do you do this to me ?MAIKO : would say ! You Know Me I well ?Nita : I know what I have the father of your picture .MAIKO : Photos of me ? She gave you them?ITA : Mother Gave me , let me show you a picture of it.Called and offered a picture of his mother and surrender Maiko , he looks at the picture and remember her well .MAIKO : Indeed you are my son.Maiko and embraced him Mwita , bi.Rehema and Adam were left wondering just that. Maiko had to awatambulishe briefly.Akawapatia a picture of a woman who bore him.MAIKO : This is the woman who bore him , but I just happened to be living with him we find the child .Maiko hid the facts on the woman .Bi.Rehema looked the picture of the woman came to shape it accordingly.MERCY : Why if ..... , let's see you.Akamkabidhi and Adam aitazame well .ADAM : would say ! Is this woman .Adam and bi.Rehema they find themselves facing a surprise.
Tusa and Sele and did not see Patrick vyowafata , Sele he rented a car stopped and then went up and leave, Patrick so he followed her from behind , she rents bodaboda .They went straight to close to home for Deborah went down , they are standing here speaking, Patrick eventually came down with the jealousy shamshika kuwafata as to how he saw .The intention is to know that why they were hugging each other when on the road .
Only enters the door he saw Patrick having a knife stabbed in the hand again and that was a lot of blood .Chicks said to be left absolutely stunned and utter perplexity ,Chicks : How Patrick again ?PATRICK : Chicks Do not be alarmed , come and show you what I was doing .Chicks : Call for where is he?PATRICK : They left little they went to buy a product , today we have decided to make the recipe here . I nachinja chicken .Chicks : Now is uchinjie inside?PATRICK : Sijachinjia in Bhana , this is just a knife .Chicks she looked at Patrick with a combination of anxiety and Patrick he discovered it, he decided to put the knife aside and welcome Chicks inside.Chicks did not want to enter into completely but before moving anywhere , Patrick was already absent at the door. Chicks said terrifiedPATRICK : What is your concern Chicks ? I know you are righteous and strong soldier to serve in the nation, now you are afraid to do for someone like me Chicks ?Chicks : Well ..... You know ..... Aaaah .....Chicks, was suddenly seized with a stammer .PATRICK : What reasoning on cases of deaths you have heard ?Chicks : ( Akashtuka first ), is what I came to tell the master called him up to speak for him.PATRICK : But what if you know someone who does that? Chicks Do not worry , I want to help the investigation.Chicks : Nikimjua will take steps to reporting .PATRICK : Do not You will want to fight him ?Chicks remained just looking at them whilst Patrick does not know what is the intent of Patrick .Once he got a phone call that another soldier has been found dead . When the phone broke , he found himself out in anger.Chicks : This is who does this?PATRICK : I am Chicks .Then he began to laugh .
Adam and Maiko as planned , Adam had to make an effort to go and get bi.Rehema to Maiko might talk to him.MAIKO : So you come back to him directly here.ADAM : No problem , but I just do not understand why you do not want to go where I pokwambia .MAIKO : There are time you will understand , but not now , that I only speak to the mother are now , bring me she just wants nitosha .Adam got up and went to Deborah 's journey began.
Deborah and Pamela had now agreed to continue to talk together .DEBORAH : Pamela my friend until one day , but do not run the problem and deal with it when you find a way to completely eliminate the problem , but flee is add more .PAMELA : I agree with you Deborah , I want to continue kurumbana . Water yakishamwagika not yazoleki again . Let me tell you what I was doing in the past and makes nijute until today .Once they saw the man had returned and left wondering as she could not give them even more greetings to follow her mother into.DEBORAH : This husband has begun to panic? Means he sees us out here ?PAMELA : I do not know .They saw him come out with his mother and started to leave , then he straightened up and ask Pamela .PAMELA : Wee Man , you came without greeting you took mother without saying anything and then you want to leave with him what is it? Ustaharabu does the same ?ADAM : Yani you are not to speak at all , let me back when you were until I unieleze nahangaika policemen seek .Adam and his mother into the car they had rented the place Adam are going with it and move on.Mercy did not want to say anything because he shanong'onezwa and Adam were going to whom, she knew that she would say just let all those women who are angry with him that they would not agree .Deborah and Pamela and continued their conversation did not have much doubt because they know that bi.Rehema was gone and his son .
Chicks hear Patrick was one who did all the killing , the first second he was afraid wondered what led to her matter much what killed Patrick .PATRICK : You want to know why I killed them ?Chicks, he responded to a head only .PATRICK : Nimewaua kwasabu have an evil spirit to win me, now those were the military will continue to be very persecuted people.Chicks : But you have remained army losses.PATRICK : That I knew thee .Then he followed her again Chicks and kumkaba , he had to fight a defensive Chicks Patrick. HAMIS but failed to find at the bottom.He took a rope and bound his hands and feet and a blight kill chickens . Saying," That's how I vyowamaliza all colleagues . Nilipambana them first and bind a string , then I killed the chicken slowly as they might be suffering yowatesea all people to death "And he arose up and said again ," I have no reason to kukumaliza but your evidence that you've nikumalize lest to report before I finish my other work . Maiko and it is just . "Patrick did not lose more time there on the same night and went to return to Mwanza.
Bi.Rehema was brought up when Maiko , all these yalishuhudiwa and Judah.Bi.Rehema was very happy to see his son again , he is to look at very carefully . Maiko him he was glad to see his mother and for the first time since its growth was able to tear this day .Gracious : Tell me my son , why has this?MAIKO : Doubts are your brothers who led it, made ​​me believe that I died a long time ago and do not have a brother anymore. And completely returned as kachanganyikiwa we believe to be true .Gracious : would say ! Hey, my son ! And why the name change ?Maiko and decided to tell what happened ," It happened just a mother , I am a child of Doubt week and was named Maiko . Session we are going to Mombasa Maiko he through that we got him. Tulivyofika there he came back to you , it's that time that I and his son, we exchanged names.Very Alikawia return, he spent three years , we have been serving only to one another, who is to come with him . When he returned he found have family adjust what names we yobadilishana and could not identify completely as we all have the same age , we asked about our mothers said that they were dead, for sure I contracted a very painful and tears yakanitoka , the fellow was crying until kujigalagaza down and did not agree with the words that his mother was dead, then remember he had no idea he was so well only know us by name , he would know I am the man and he is me.He turned to my partner and tell him that he is not even trouble yourself right because he has lost all brothers , no one more brother to her . My colleague did not accept kept crying all panapokucha , Doubt did not delight in the tumult of every day .That day and night he called again but still kutukanya was in vain for my fellow man , I saw Doubt casting knife and stab the child's chest and say he does not want kids lazy . And that became the last of her child but she knew Maiko is Juma.Production systems I and he and she taught income-generating work and believed that I am a son of this magnitude is up , I learn the presence of the mother and my brother "ADAM : Duh ! Doubt he is fit then .Mercy had just cried while explaining her son .MERCY : Stumbled not anyone at all, is my brother , but it fit . Please my son Juma, I have only one question I want to answer me .MAIKO : Ask only mother .Gracious : This is a cruel fact is that such a Doubt ?Maiko remained looking at them because it is the truth and he is contracted incredible violence . But before he answered, Doubts had made ​​it into the house.
Tusa conditioning was not very good but it is advisable Sele saw him leave the hospital and go to her family Mwanza it may be possible in the news for what had happened .So he went to leave and take her Tusa Mwanza city, while on the bus heard the sad news of the deaths of soldiers in Singida Region , their names are mentioned and kwaharaka Sele quickly realizes that it is the soldiers who mistreat them.Tusa him when he heard that one feels for one that was responsible for only Patrick . Fear inawatawala both on Patrick.
Patrick has entered Mwanza and the first thing to do is seek Sele so he could find out where he Tusa .He began looking into the air , but before the call enters the call of Judah Sele him , saying to him to give up all activities to go fight Maiko part because she knew his whereabouts.News that inamvutia Patrick because he is still eager to kill all the people who destroyed her happy.As a reflection of the make there way as he first Tusa Watch out or he to deal with Maiko , and immediately caught the shoulder , turning back is to call in reference to other soldiers

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