Things brothers have facebook. My name is Nazard in the region and I am from teacher training college studying Same in Kilimanjaro . All day during the first vacation I was going to let my brother Dar residing and membrane car ride to Bukoba and Dar sit again then repeat again defend membrane 'm going to college . It was on 15 July , 2013 where I planted it firm NBS and behind us there was a bus company RS advancing Arusha happen Bukoba to Dar and we got wild of kasindaga (at two in the morning ) in the middle there , I heard a puncture to the back wheel and then driver he stopped the car and when I head through the window to look out , Hey I believe , hang up to a relative of one kalalia gun type of machine gun, while wearing something like chain all full of lead, then there , came some eight all have a machine gun and belts tall shooting they fired several of disposal and they said let us go out to the car, I do not remember out mm from the VP , but I remember I told the family to join with my colleagues who were all lying down on the dew. Then the robbers seven all have machine gun and Kandaya shot, have tuzu fell , one does not have weapons na.yeye his job was to take our property , carried loaves of people , water , money , do you have everything they conquered buses both passed also tax , it fell on a note in front of us there was a bus trans Mohammed likienda Bukoba and saw the situation turned na.kurudi race. Usually before it gets wild cars have you got to escort troops were still troops to kill us when we say the membrane They remained in the car so they can not see and he gives thanks to God because he wore civilian that day. After about dk45 they ordered us to go back to the car and there was a man I think could fill a whole bucket whereas there are three passengers was shot , on the left eye , Shingon in the chest on the side of the poor and kulia.Alifariki world had Katoto is they sent a messenger school . God is great , before you start to enter the field, I put my phone on the bread , and so, only miraculously , the phone I survived though I considered money arobain five thousand only call me that when we arrived in Biharamulo helped many passengers to be used throughout. We entered our car dar shot glass filled the entire back. For any Tanzanian ex- support battle is very stupid , better to stick superficially but we have our peace. I did not have to write in a diary , but I can not forget that day ..... YOU ARE A VERY moja.NAKUPENDA MAN OF MY LIFE ' ........ Nilij hear another soul ikanikumbusha wrong but I was in a relationship with the girl for one reason only ... SEX ... and never did not want to have sex with me. Alinikwepa so much that I felt uncomfortable . Sensing perhaps someone else has . Indeed , I think that she is involved with someone else who shared with him the sexual act , which to me was the only thing that could kuniaminisha he really loved me . Never such a beautiful girl could not survive without sex. Certainly not ikuniingia in mind . How many men , their CRM seducer , who is he to not enter into temptation ? ? No it is false is niongopea me. I kept on vimbwanga here and there . Hakuchoka kunibembeleza , he did not love me and was not tired tired remind me that it was only I was in his heart of flesh. " Nikipotea nd'o total will know that I have affection for you .. " served kunambia the word. Although lilinigusa but I did not take it seriously . Finally we finished school , and I expected a kumfaidi the time of the sexual girl had arrived. But it was not , and continue to be difficult as he defended unjustified because the head and legs. At first I thought that she was afraid to have sex before she finished school , but still wonderful until we finished oversaw position. Now I found myself in bad spirits , I began to show the public that I have other women. Though her ​​tear very liliniumiza but it did not matter . Why does he deny love this girl ? I wondered . Eventually I came to the decision to abandon him. But I can not leave him without knowing his taste . Nilijiapia that it is not possible at all, I like the perfect man will nitangazaje zke friends , that I have never sleeps and we do act ? ? ? Great shame ! ! ! Nikampangia one final attack and if it is evil to be evil only . So long as I planned ahead to leave him .... not itanidh diamonds but I must make and act Nilimuita my house , it was an evening median . When he arrived I cheat here and there I touched her breasts small yakijitahidi kunidhihaki standing upright . And especially yalifanikiwa ridicule me . Nikamgusa here and there .. I potak He holds a undressed . I had been drinking alcohol excessively so do not be ashamed , I decided to use force , I decided to rape a girl ..... nikai her bra , then I remove her underwear now he is left naked . Alihaha here and there not to believe what was happening to him. Nikamrukia to fulfill the goal ... I have never ever seen this girl being in that kind of fear ... he had his stare .... and he was trembling ... Akataka run naked , I pounce on hand when I was I impressed . Nahuruma I was not at all, I want a single deal .. SEX AND THEN AKINICHUKIA ACHUKIE . Once he shed a very loud noise very zilizonishtua . Amakweli I trusted . I did not think as amnaweza do the deed " ANANIBAKAAAAA , NISAIDIEENI ANANIBAAAKA ..... " was a big noise in particular, have made repeatedly after receiving Sumerian Cry goodness , the daughter he kept shouting. Finally the door was pulled, the Samaritans were nivagaa and started hitting me ...... nilip replicated until I lost consciousness. Nilipozinduka I found a hand handcuffs , shackles connected to the bed . I had pain the whole body. Nikakumbuka that I caught when I want to commit rape . Alcohol were zimenitoka and I feel ashamed of an act of brutal I wanted to do for Mary. After self better and stronger body kunrejea I returned inmates. I went unto the inmates when faced with a serious case of rape . Four days later I come ...... the alias given bail but was killed by a letter just amazing I encountered . "Beloved Christopher man of my life ..... it was not my intention kukusababishia defeat agent and called a rapist ... I fan of this because I love you from the heart ... I would live for many years .. Chriss are you the man who appeared motivated him emotionally and captured my heart and I found myself slave of your affection ... but I have serious shortcomings ... I have serious defects which the dignity of sleep inipi same bed with you ..... Chriss I would be a murderer if I allow these Chriss unibake .... you think your mpapaso not ukunisisimua ? Nilisisimka especially and I wished nikutimizie freely what you want, maybe I was needy than you partner but ..... but I could not kill you , .... Chriss I am happy and do not grieve to hear this , I am very happy to die if I fought for it the life of a man whom I love , I love, and I die for for him. Loop this be your memory forever that I loved ....... C hriss I am a victim of the AIDS pandemic , I contracted with Mizzi me ... I was born with AIDS Chriss mother before she died she nikanya that not having a character as of late father who transmit intentionally due to contract his restlessness at home , the mother said nikanya that is better for me to die alone than to kill anyone who was innocent. And that someone is you Chriss was not guilty and was not worthy to die ....... if only if you raped me then I die today I KILLER ... I swell hi that I die like a hero. These Nimeyaadika while loop containing my neck , I die today but forsake you free . Completely independent , I am going to connect with my mother that I never kill nimweleze around and I decided to leave to one day lest I kill anyone. Chris take care of me " I found myself after I lose consciousness again reassured that Mary was buried after suicide in his room in their house nabaruaile was found under his feet was the swinging ....... I pozinduka I was at home ... every eye lilinitazama in its own way ...... some other angrily despised by some for depression. AMA FOR SURE I had a boyfriend who loved me sincerely ....... Rest in eternal peace ..... I will never forget Mary dear ....... MESSAGE ; You must not take evil for evil to innocent free generation ..... LEARN sincere love for YOUR FEELINGS ZISIKUFANYE but slaves ! ! ! ! SHARE THE OTHER END! ! !

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