Kept explaining the history of my life. I have tried to contest the Buchosa after getting pressure from my father's parents, the elderly and the young people of the region but I failed in mysterious circumstances.

Later, my father began to bite, despite strive to serve him, and transporting the border in India, still continued to be a bad situation.
  Tukarudi him Tanzania to continue waiting for a miracle of God.
Although we loved God most loved my father finally died. Again, I can not describe the pain I had for losing my friend, my teacher, my business and an important pillar in my life.

But as labels yanavyotuambia, the work of God without error. Tuliusafirisha father's body to the Village of Bupandwamhela We destination kumpumzisha in his house forever.
What will remain? Continue ...

hen the illness of my father, my son Barak who has overlapped with his brother Sam for twelve years, he was one year old and three months, my wife poniita bedroom having fun indeed his face.
"What? Why today ... "I asked.
"I have good news to give you."
"What's that?"

"I'm pregnant with a new one."
"Whaaat? Niniii? "I asked in surprise.
"I'm pregnant Eric!"
"Unanitania Vene, baby again?"
"For what is wrong? We spent twelve years without a child, which followed these two must for quick. "

He spoke the truth that there is need of opposition, but the fact of the matter at that time to me was "I plan to give birth right now, I want to find the money first", a statement which Vene was not a priority, she wanted a child, and whether pressure from my parents, especially my mother who at then he and father lived with us at home Kijitonyama, we wauguza both. There are times when I heard my father saying: "I want to see him your baby before I leave this world."

Niliyachukulia these words as a joke of a father, I continued to chase the dream life, Veneranda he ponipa of her pregnancy, I started to feel maybe he said my father was his vision. Brief only that, I received gestation time reluctantly bit because I have many responsibilities, blessings and he was still young he needs our care both, but at the end of the day I had best accept my wife, happy ikarejea as usual and started expecting a child.

Six months later, we were to each other, I know he will be a female or a male? I did not hide, even though the baby is born, my feelings zilitamani least I could a girl. My wife had no choice, in the end we agreed not to getting tested to find out how the child should leave until the last day tushangae come together.

There arose a day moving, and the father's status with all ongoing treatment, was failing, when we reached the decision to take him to India for medical father, my wife was nine months pregnant! Whenever she gave birth, I remember three days before we traveled, at Hope Hospital dad, he lit the car and went himself to Agkhani, pain was muuma.

When I walked Hope I followed Agkhani and found he rested, he was in pain the beginning, the doctor who was present that evening as we were advised we lived closer, we could go home and return later to three hours a night, pain while dawns.

Niliposhauriana with my wife, acknowledged, we stopped his car and leave my hospital to home, where we waited until three hours a night and then we returned to the hospital is dark and bitter desolation received.

What happened is admitted to the chamber of mothers in labor, in English is called the Labour Room, I have to wait outside. There is a nurse midwife advised me to just go home me go morning, initially I wanted to embrace him for what happened even when my son was born in a hospital Baraka same Agkhani, a year and a few months before.
"Shall we?" I asked myself but my heart refused, I did not understand why, but I find I do not want to leave.

Decision I oufikia is to remain, and not remain alone but I found judge existence delivery room when our child comes to the world, I followed a midwife who told me waiting for me to ask aniruhusu when my wife gives birth being originated by his side.
"Lo! Okay, almost'll call you. "
"Thank you."

I left out to sit on the bench where I stayed for nearly two hours, then the nurse came to pick me up and take me to the room that my wife was lying, alone. There was one female doctor, by looking she too was pregnant, her accent Kenyans.

Vene was in terrible pain, and I gave the pole to keep kumchua stomach all labor came to reduce the pain. The pain was destroy after half an hour, then began to come soon over, end yakaungana, there was no chance of waiting in the middle, a sign that the baby was almost out.

Nurse, a mother older, I do not like naming a name, in our conversation he claimed he worked for a long time, but at the time he was a student at one college of nursing that is in the areas of Mbezi to increase knowledge, he worked at night, when the morning he went to school.
He was a very kind woman, gentle and who cares for my wife than it is for many nurses, not hidden in my heart, I planned after my wife delivered a great gift to give him, because he had helped my son come into the world.

When a child comes from, it was discovered he was greater than expected, the nurse decided to call a doctor who came to help my wife giving birth, then the baby came out! The first thing I chokimbilia watch is part of the secret of the newborn and found a girl! I rejoiced as my team has closed the scoring Simba.
"Vene! It's the girl! "

"Really?" She asked him gulp in pain.
"Absolutely, congratulations to my wife."
"Thank you Eric, let me see him, my son!"

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