Ebola disease that hit Liberia, pose major disaster where many people drop from the disease. The government is struggling according to his ability to fight infection Ebola but steadily increasing every dawning day.

Each part remains completely silent, including the City of Monrovia, the country's capital, which dominated by a strong smell of the corpses of people who died from the disease, which were scattered everywhere.

Conversely, friend, beloved son of the president of the people of Sangabuye, Martin Wela she falls in love of a boy from a poor family, Laurance were yekutana at UCLA College in the United States, all of them studying medicine.

Their love linakumbana and turbulent heated from friend's parents, especially his mother, Sophia Marcel completely rejecting Laurance. The woman has reached the stage of sending men kicking, beating and wanting to kill Laurance just because he has an affair with his son.

However, despite using every method, proximity between his son, friend and Laurance is increasing every dawning day. Each event linapomkuta bad boy, so he becomes more loving friend enough to be willing to break their promise of not having sex until they enter into a valid marriage.

It keeps rattle his mother, Sophia Marcel who is observing them closely and now he decides to take the difficult decision to follow his son to college and get a transfer in India.
What next? SONGA in them ...

When the plane going to shred clouds in the sky, Friend was in tears actually pomfikiria Laurance, darling of his heart. She persisted injury he remembered what they were doing in the room Laurance shortly before his mother to pick him kimafia.

When he got there, the pain intensified and begin to cry cause a hiccup, it lililowashtua other passengers where everyone began to turn to friends to find out what happened.

"She is sick, she has a cerebral malaria BUT she will be fine as soon as we arrive in Mumbai," (he is sick, he has malaria iliyompanda head but it will be the same when we came to Mumbai only) Sophia Marcel, the mother of the friend he deceived other passengers with flight attendants who wanted to know why what happened Friend.

Everyone was believed the woman that friend was very ill with malaria ilishapanda on his head because he was crying in pain as he mentioned the name of Laurance. Right after a long, was reviewed again to sleep, birds continued to shred the clouds.

"Dear passengers, ladies and gentlemen, A belief you rejoice in our trip and flight number A380 F2 from in New York until now we prepared to land in Mumbai, India. We urge all of you to fast belts and keep well weighted.

"We also call upon the existing table Make sure tray in front of your seats fitted. Please disable phone or laptop if you have one. Thank you for choosing to travel by Indian Airways, come again, "a soft voice flight attendant was heard to repeat several times for different languages and all passengers began to implement what has been said.

"Awake, we have come," Sophia Marcel was shaking friend who sat his marginal seats, son, that she recovered to shine here and there, he saw all the passengers are busy packing their luggage belts and keep well. And he did so while yawning from fatigue of the journey.

His eyes swell and change color due to right for a long time. Shortly thereafter, all passengers having shafunga belts, birds started leaning toward the front, continued to make it faster then returned to its normal state imply that already had touched the ground.

"This is where?" A friend asked her mother as she lifted up the neck to look out at the premises of the airport who had never seen in his life. Despite repeating that question more than once, her mother did not answer anything, birds began to slow down and then stood in front of a large modern building.

Polichunguza good friend the building, he realized it was a large print yaliyosomeka: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. Quick mind zikamtuma believe that whereas the goal of his mother in India was to get a transfer because he never read the place that the field exists in Mumbai, India.

"Maa! Umenileta India do? "
"I took you to read, I know it will not be easy for anyone to bother being here, is impossible to overestimate again that these nayafanya for your own benefit."

"What benefits? You are very cruel mother, I will continue to hate you all the days of my life, "said the girl as she started to cry again, but her mother did not care. To be quite ilishasimama plane doors opened and zikasogezwa level, passengers began downhill.

His mother's friend who was the first to rise, he gave signs his guards who they arose and took loads. Friend was the last to rise, stood with tears in progress kuulowanisha his face. He walked in poverty to a level where the aircraft that went down to the bottom, at the back of his mother.

"Now you will continue to cry like a child until when? Will only exist nor do not need to make haste, read first, "said her mother friend while walking towards the gate of the VIP. The statement made friends continue to grown and angry, he failed to show his anger just because the person who did so was his mother.

They went to the outside where they found two cars yakiwasubiri, occurring with zikipepea Sangabuye flags in front. For ilivyoonesha, his mother had to make sure he was fully prepared wants kinatimia.

All drivers were greeted by a courteous woman then all went in to cars and trips to leave the pitch when started immediately. Still Friend was continued discharge and tears actually remembered Laurance, cars became faster towards local yanakata place where friends did not know what.
After the friend came to be taken by one of his guards in the explanation that he was called by his mother, Lawrance found himself totally committed to peace in his heart because he was aware of how she is a terrible conspiracy.

He would not believe if his coming is blessed, and he knew he should kitakachofuatia will be searchable and abducted again or hurt in any way just because of the love of friends.

Due to the fear he had, he would not continue to sleep in his room. Although his body still had no power, he stagger to a friend's room several days originally in China, Zhong Lee they had been reading all the one-doctoral courses.

Because of the way they had zoeana, his friend did not ask him anything more than give asylum to her tomorrow morning where Laurance was the first to wake up, and dragged return to his room while being careful to watch his safety.

He found the door locked as well as he had last left it. He opened and enter in, he received the perfume had would blow into his friend last night.

Records of how they vyokumbatiana, they vyogusanisha their tongues, they vyomwagiana ardent kisses and how strong feelings of love everyone started recursive zilivyompanda on his head as a video tape of stimulation.

"Where are you my love? Come back and Heal me, "(Where is my boyfriend? Back me come to treat me) said Laurance with emotion as he embraced his pillow and kujigeuzageuza on the bed. Love of a beautiful girl, brought him as insane, there kujigeuzageuza kept his bed with emotion.

He took his phone and tried to call friends to know what is going on but was surprised to discover that this number was not occurring air. He tried several times but the response was the same.
Noticing time exceeds running out, he decides to wake up in bed and facing slower slowly towards the hostel he was staying friends, with feelings of love continuously walking on his nerves and made him all the time whether he excited.

What next? Do not miss Monday to Friday headed paper.
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